
Elle’s installation is quite straightforward if all you want to do is use the FourL frontend as described in Usage of the LLL Frontend, and somewhat more involved if you want to be able to generate, build, check, or modify the implementation and proofs of Elle.

Getting Elle

In the rest of this file, let > stand for a bash-compatible shell prompt (that is, lines starting with > are to be understood as input)

Clone Elle from the Github repo as follows:

> git clone

Later in this file, we assume that Elle is checked out into a directory called eth-isabelle. (This repository has this name because it is a fork of Yoichi Hirai’s eth-isabelle <> project specifying EVM in the Isabelle proof assistant.)

Since Elle is no longer under active development, the master branch should be stable enough to build reliably. For a version of Elle that is more guaranteed to build successfully, try the ITP2019 branch, which contains an artifact submission for the 2019 edition of the Interactive Theorem Proving conference:

> cd eth-isabelle
> git checkout ITP2019

Installation as an End-User of Elle

The following dependencies are required to build llllc, the FourL command-line interface to the FourL compiler frontend that makes use of Elle’s verified compiler.

  • Ocaml (tested with v4.05.0)
  • OcamlBuild
  • OCaml Zarith

On an Ubuntu-like system, these can be installed as follows:

> apt-get install ocaml ocamlbuild libzarith-ocaml libzarith-ocaml-dev

Once these dependencies are installed, navigate to eth-isabelle/elle/generated and run make. This should succeed and generate a file called llllc. When run on an lll file, it will print (to standard output) a hexadecimal representation of the bytecode produced by the compiler for that smart contract (similar to Solidity LLL’s command-line tool, but with fewer options and error messages). Files to run llllc on can be found in the eth-isabelle/elle/tests directory.

For more details on using llllc, see Basic Usage.

Installation for Modifying and Examining Elle

The Elle git repository includes the file eth-isabelle/elle/generated/ <>. This file is generated from the formal Isabelle model contained in the rest of the Elle repository, and is all that is needed to build a working executable version of Elle/FourL as described in end-user-installation.

In order to work with the formal model directly, Isabelle itself is needed as a dependency. Elle requires Isabelle 2018, which can be downloaded here<> (binaries for Linux, MacOS, and Windows are provided).

Once Isabelle is installed, the user will need to set up Lem, a framework used to generate the some of the Isabelle specifications used by Elle. In order to do this, first run the following, to update the Lem submodule contained in Elle’s git repository:

> cd eth-isabelle
> git submodule init
# output snipped
> git submodule update lem-installation
# output snipped

we have tested with the version of Lem having the Git hash of 0927743c1bd31d7bba20a54260ba4c4dd3ce49e9. Newer versions should also work. Older versions may not support generating code compatible with Isabelle2018.

In order to build Lem, run the following:

> cd lem-installation
> make
# output snipped

If this succeeds, it will generate an executable called lem. Add it to your path, and ensure the it will look for its libraries in the correct place, by running the following:

> `export PATH=$PWD/lem-installation/bin:$PATH`
> `export LEMLIB=$PWD/lem-installation/library`

Finally, navigate back to the root of the repository (eth-isabelle), and run the following to build the .thy files that Elle depends on of from their Lem sources:

> make lem-thy

Examining Elle Sources

Isabelle allows .thy files representing formal models and proofs to be grouped together into sessions. Sessions make it easier to automate the process of compiling Isabelle developments, as well as allowing for caching the results of compilation and proof-checking so that work does not need to be repeated each time Isabelle is re-opened. Elle contains a session called ElleCorrect, which packs together all the files containing Elle’s correctness proofs into a single session file.

However, in order to be able to step through the proofs contained in the ElleCorrect session, it’s better not to run the ElleCorrect session, since. Therefore, to examine Elle’s proofs, run Isabelle-Jedit, with the HOL session

isabelle jedit -d ./lem -l HOL

For some proofs (particularly the more complex ones in elle/ElleCorrect) you will need to increase the editor’s limit on the number of allowed tracing messages (or else the proofs will pause and appear to get stuck). To do this, navigate through the Isabelle/JEdit menus as follows

Plugins > Plugin Options > Isabelle > General > Editor Tracing Messages

Increase this value to 30000.

The most interesting proofs are in eth-isabelle/elle/ElleCorrect. The final correctness theorems for the compiler are elle_alt_correct* in eth-isabelle/elle/ElleCorrect/ElleAltSemantics.thy

For more details on the structure of Elle, see Implementation.


The command-line binary version of the Elle-based FourL compiler depends on, an Ocaml file that is produced from a formal Isabelle model via Isabelle’s built-in extraction mechanism. As such, can be regenerated from Elle’s sources, provided Isabelle is installed. This can be done as follows:

> isabelle jedit -d ./lem -d ./elle -l ElleCorrect

This will open the ElleCorrect session (building this session for the first time can take some time - as much as a couple of hours on a 16Gb machine). Once this session is done being processed, open the file eth-isabelle/elle/ElleCorrect/FourLExtract.thy. If that file is processed to the end (which can be forced by moving the cursor to the end of the file) it will create a new version of eth-isabelle/elle/generated/, which can then be built as described in end-user-installation.